I recently joined a blogging network called WELLSPHERE: http://www.wellsphere.com/ It is a health blogging network, which connects people interested in healthier living.
WELLSPHERE is a network of people who blog about various health topics (i.e. relationships, mind and body, stress management, weight loss, children's health, mental health, sports, disabilities and more!). Bloggers include a diverse group of people from parents of children with disabilities to medical professionals from Stanford, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Yale and other top Medical Schools.
Basically, the website re-posts what the bloggers have written in their own blogs and provides a central network for people to search for health information. Search key words, such as "occupational therapy," "traumatic brain injury", "autism", "depression", "dyslexia", "asthma" and "swine flu" and you will come up with a wealth of information! You can now search directly from this blog by going to the WELLSPERE widget "Health Knowledge Finder" located in the right hand column of this blog.
There are a few OT's on the site and I hope more will join, as the network is free and provides a good forum for people in the public to reach the information posted in these blogs.
I have also found some wonderful blogs by parents and people experiencing various obstacles in their lives, such as surviving cancer, living with a vision or hearing loss and parenting a child with Cerebral Palsy. Most of these bloggers find it very therapeutic to blog about their experiences.
I think there are plenty of Egyptians who have something to share with others about their experiences in relation to the health topics covered on WELLSPHERE! In the future, I would love to be able to post some links to Egyptian blogs!
To get you started, here are a couple of free blog start up links:
BLOGGER (free publishing tool from Google): www.blogger.com
WORD PRESS: www.wordpress.org
WORD PRESS: www.wordpress.org
So, take a look and enjoy...