Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Staff OT Vacancy at the LRC

The Learning Resource Center (www.lrcegypt.org: under construction) in Maadi, Egypt has an OT staff position available. Managemnet is interested in hiring a full time female OT who speaks English/Arabic. At least two years experience in pediatrics is required.

Please contact Maha Helali, Managing Director, if interested in learning more about the post: mhelali@lrcegypt.org


Christopher J. Alterio said...

If you don't mind sharing, can you educate me on why this posting calls for a female therapist? Is there something particular about the job responsibilities or is there a cultural reason?

Although I don't have any interest in the position (and most certainly lack the language AND gender qualifications!), I am highly interested in how OT may be practiced around the world. If there are cultural dynamics at work I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn about them.

Thank you!

Laura Efinger said...

Hi Chris,

It's probably simpler then you think!

We already have an English speaking male therapist on staff and therefore would like a female who speaks Arabic on the team. We are just planning ahead as our present Arabic speaking therapist will be returning home next year. Having both sexes on staff is a plus with certain self help skills and is not so much a "cultural" need. Although it is not a present situation at our center, sometimes a few parents may prefer a female treating their young female daughter.
