Monday, December 22, 2008

SI Course in Jordan

Hello all,

Once again the SI courses will be held in Jordan, so please follow up with Mustafa (ceot_jor@ ) regarding details. I attended course 1 and 2 in Jordan and it was well worth it!

Update from Mustafa "Based on the requests from the colleagues and as we promised those who didn’t attend the SI course 1, we are about to plan for the next series of courses. Course one is open for all people interested to know more about this theory, its open for OT, PT and ST, educators, family, doctors and any others. In our plan for the year 2009, we will be doing course 1 and 4 (theory and interventions) courses 2 and 3 we will talk about them when we meet insha’ allah. This course is open to a big number of participants which means less fees, for doing course 1 we need at lease 40 participant if we want the fees to be less than 300JD (more participants means less fees) and for course 4 we need maximum 35 to do the practice. Please pass this to all you know not only the OT’s, and if any thing else needed please email me."

The Jordan Occupational Therapist's also have a facebook group at :

If you are a foreign OT, come to Jordan for a nice holiday and an SI course!